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The 4th International Conference on Strategic Awareness and Governance Hosted by Middle East University in cooperation with AArU

Amman - The 4th international conference for strategic awareness and governance was launched at the Middle East University, under the auspices of the Secretary-General of the Arab Universities Governance Council, the Chairman of the University Board of Trustees, Prof. Yacoub Nasereddin.

Where the conference was organized by the Arab Universities Governance Council and the AArU, in cooperation with the faculties of business, arts, and Educational Sciences.

In his opening speech, Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama, the Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities (AArU), said that the digital transformation witnessed by the world increases the intensity of competition between universities and the education market significantly, in terms of attracting students, professors, providing digital infrastructure and integration between attendance and distance learning.

Moreover, the conference was also attended by the assistant general secretaries of the AArU, Prof. Dr. Khemissi Hamidi and Prof. Dr. Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti, in addition to the President of the University, Prof. Salam Al-Mahadin, and the chairman and members of the Committee of Education of the Jordanian Senate.

In his part, Prof. Al-Haila said that governance provides a healthy environment for work, by achieving the principle of equality, promoting a culture of dialogue, creating a climate that motivates cooperation and interaction, optimal use of resources, and promoting fair and legitimate accountability with absolute transparency.

Also, he added that the conference committees received 72 papers from 6 countries, namely: Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Oman, and Jordan. He also mentioned 57 papers were accepted after arbitration and distributed to the six conference axes.


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