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Prof. Hunaiti participated in an International Symposium on the Role of Organizations in Achieving Sustainable Development

Prof. Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti, the Assistant Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities (AArU), participated in the Events of the International Symposium on the role of organizations in achieving sustainable development, which is emanating from the activities of the Arab Council for Sustainable Development held at Amman Arab University.

In the symposium, which was sponsored by Her Highness Princess Basma bint Ali bin Nayef, the topics within the framework of sustainable development were discussed namely: Eradication of poverty and hunger; Good health and well-being; quality education; Gender equality; Clean water and sanitation; Clean and affordable energy; Decent work and economic growth; Industry, innovation and infrastructure، Reducing inequalities.

In his speech, Prof. Hunaiti pointed out the leading role of the AArU towards the values of social responsibility in building partnerships and collaborations to serve Sustainable Development Goals at the local, regional and international levels, as universities are an important part in building global and regional partnerships in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Moreover, He pointed out that the AArU members expressed their support for the efforts and initiatives undertaken by the United Nations in this regard as outlined in the 2023 plan, adding that Amman Arab University is one of the leading universities in adopting the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations as a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2023.

In his part, Prof. Mohammed Al-Wadyan, the chairman of the Sustainable Development Council and the President of Amman Arab University, stressed that holding such seminars at the University on the most important current issues comes within its activities and in order to achieve its vision, mission and national role in cooperation with other community sectors by providing the students with various intellectual, political, social and economic trends, especially raising their awareness of the most important issues and topics related. Especially raising their awareness of the most important issues and topics related to humans and the environment with regard to the sustainability of their life in balance with the preservation of environmental resources.

During the Symposium, several sessions were held during which a number of researchers and experts spoke on several topics that dealt with the role of local and international organizations in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, and then introducing the Arab Council for sustainable development, in addition to the role of universities specifically in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.



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