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Language Education for Refugees and Migrants (LRM) Postgraduate Program\Hellenic Open University

Responding  to  the  growing  need  for  high  quality  refugee  and  migrant  education  in  Europe,  the 

Hellenic Open University announces the commencement of the  Postgraduate Program “Language 

Education for Refugees and Migrants”.

The course aims to provide specialized pedagogical knowledge to teachers in compulsory education 

(both Primary and Secondary) as well as  to  University  graduates who plan to teach  and  to teachers 

already engaged with adult education in refugee or migrant contexts. 

The  course  places  language  learning  in  a  wide  multi-disciplinary  context  and  focuses  on  actiontaking  and  reflexive  teaching  practice  as  necessary  preconditions  for  responsible  citizenship  and 

social  change.  The  modules  will  provide  postgraduate  students  with  a  strong  grounding  in 

theoretical  literature  as  well  as  appropriate  classroom  methodology,  course  design  and  an 

introduction to the key research tools.

The course’s modules focus on the integration of language, culture, and codes of power as part of 

the development of formal, informal and non-formal,  on-line and off-line education  programs and 

examine  curriculum  from  a  constructivist  perspective  that  recognizes  the  voices  of  students, 

community and teachers as one learning community who inform curriculum and program design. 

The content is designed in accordance with present needs in society and teaching and thus places 

the issue of migrant education in the core of the current social and academic dialogue. 

The  postgraduate program  is designed  with a practical orientation  and helps  participants  deepen 

their  understanding  of applied linguistics, particularly with regard to second language acquisition, 

critical  literacy  and  advances  in  new  technologies  for  language  research  and  learning.  It  also

encourages deep engagement with the world of practice through visits to schools, refugee camps 

or other institutions related to formal and informal learning of refugees and migrants in  different 

sites of Greece and other countries, team-teaching activities and project work.

The course is offered in English. 

Duration: The minimum duration of  course completion is  two (2) years and the maximum is six (6) 


Note that full scholarships will be offered to 15% of participants. 

We urge all concerned parties as well as local and international partners to circulate the present 

announcement  in  a  joined  effort  to promote  a recent  initiative  with  great  social  significance  and 

exceptional theoretical and applied interest.  

For more information please visit this link. 

Contact Info

1)  Georgiou Eleftheria

Tel: +30 2610 367321

E-mail: egeorgiou@eap.gr

2)  Lazari Maria

Tel: +30 2610 367316

E-mail: mlazari@eap.gr​


جميع الحقوق محفوظة لإتحاد الجامعات العربية 2014