High-level Policy Event Virtual Exchange: Next Steps in University Education

 On 25 June 2020, the EVOLVE project will be organising a high-level policy event in Brussels on the current state and future directions of  Virtual Exchange in Higher Education in Europe and beyond. The event will be of interest to university management, educational policy makers as well as university faculty members across disciplines. The Coimbra Group is a full partner in this Forward-Looking Cooperation Project under Erasmus+ Key Action 3: Support for policy reform,  Priority 5 – Achieving the aims of the renewed EU strategy for higher education. The University of Groningen is the coordinator.


EVOLVE (Evidence-Validated Online Learning through Virtual Exchange) aims to mainstream Virtual Exchange (VE) as an innovative form of collaborative international learning across disciplines in Higher Education (HE) institutions in Europe and beyond.


Key questions discussed during the event include the following:

  • What is the current level of impact and up-take of Virtual Exchange in European higher education?
  • In what ways is Virtual Exchange being implemented by European universities?
  • What can research tell us about the contribution of Virtual Exchange to student learning?
  • What barriers exist to the implementation of Virtual Exchange?
  • What are students’ and teachers’ experiences of Virtual Exchange?
  • How do university decision makers view Virtual Exchange? What role do they see it having in the future?


More details about this event can be found here. A full programme will be available in April 2020. The event is free of charge but you should register in advance.


Kind regards,


Catarina Moleiro



Catarina Moleiro
Policy & Communications Officer
Coimbra Group Office - Egmontstraat 11, rue d'Egmont, 
B - 1000 Brussels, Tel: +32 2 513 83 32

www.coimbra-group.eu    @CoimbraGroup